Monday, January 18, 2010

So...I've got a question

Do you other crafty types have tidy houses? or does crafting come before housework? I have to say I really struggle with being good at both...all I want to do is sew, but then the housework doesn't get done does it.

So tell me, how do you all do it?


Beetlehouse Designs said...

I tidy up and do housework when DH comes home usually so he can play with the kids and I can clean. It works wonders.I don't think there is a tidy house in this world when it comes to kids and sewing. ha ha

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Lily Mulholland said...

Housework. Now I seem to have some recollection of that...

You've got to find a balance. You can be cleaning or crafting but not both. Although you can get a few loads of washing done while you're crafting but that's about it!