Wednesday, March 17, 2010

bunting fun

I didn't realise how much fun buntings are to make! and how awesome do they look, they would certainly brighten up any room or party.

I ordered 20yards...yes 20 yards! of denim from the States and now I have to find something to do with it as it ended up being the wrong weight (don't ask but I am very very cranky with the supplier #1 it's not what I ordered #2 the postage was ridiculous and they were meant to tell me BEFORE it as sent #3 I will NEVER use this supplier again, it was the 1st and last time).
Anyway now I have to think of ways to use it all up so I've come up with these personalised buntings, it's so thick, like canvas that it falls beautifully and I only need to use one layer and cut it with pinking shears, looks great.
pretty pink swirls, spots & stripes.


willow and moo said...

Amanda, the bunting looks great!

I'm thinking of making one for Moo and one for Will to go above their beds. I'll probably cheat and buy an applique alphabet for my embroidery machine! LOL

If you can't use all that denim, maybe sell some? It sounds like it might be a good weight for bags.

Amanda said...

I have decided the denim is great! better than the stuff I used to use. I washed it and it has come up beautifully. Thank god, that's ALOT of fabric!