Monday, November 10, 2008

A holiday at Fraser Island

We just spent 6 glorious days on beautiful Fraser Island usually we would camp but being 26 weeks pregnant it was not to be so we stayed at Kingfisher Bay Resort, was great but I've come to realise we are not a resort family and really missed camping! Nuts I know.

A new bag & a dress for Zoe

I am in the mood for sewing again, yipppeeee, bout bloody time I say, it's been months since I lost my sewing mojo, well pretty much since the morning sickness kicked in I guess. Well nowI'm back and I have heaps of projects I want to accomplish.

Here is a new bag I made for myself after a trip to spotlight where I found this fabric that I completely fell in love with.

And a dress for Zoe made in the same fabrics as the skirt I made a few months ago.